CoNet - Data sets
- oral subset from the data published in Costello et al., Science 326, 1694-1697, 2009
- presence/absence data published in Chaffron et al., Genome Research 20, 947-959, 2010, original data can be found here
- HMP 16S V35 phylotype data vaginal subset, from the data published by the HMP consortium in Nature 486, 207-214, 2012 and Nature 486, 215-221, 2012, browse the original data using the HMP Data Browser
- biome-specific relative abundances from the QIIME database (July 2011), get the original data from the QIIME database
- HMP 16S V35 relative abundances split by recruitment center and body area from the QIIME database (December 2012), get the original data from the QIIME database
- relative abundances for a few EMP soil studies (January 2014), get the original data from the EMP database